Tuesday, August 16, 2011

US Army jeep at the Bay of Pigs and networking pioneers in Cuba

I have done several studies of the Cuban Internet over the years, and my colleague Joel Snyder just found a bunch of pictures he took during a 1992 trip. Here are two -- more later.
We took a couple days off from interviews and presentations and went to the Bay of Pigs. Some folks were driving around in a jeep that had been abandoned by the US invaders. That is me standing in the back.
The second picture shows some of the people at CENIAI, the Cuban organization that, at the time, was responsible for pre-Internet connectivity to other Soviet block nations. They were the networking pioneers in Cuba and, in 1996, established an IP link to the Internet. Oscar Visideo has provided the names of some of the people here.

If you are curious to read more about the history of the Internet in Cuba, click here.

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